Perceptions of ESP Instructors in Higher Education Institutions on Meeting the Demands of Interdisciplinary and CLIL Education


  • Mina S. Suknović



CLIL, ESP, higher education, interdisciplinary competencies



This paper presents a theoretical framework and explores the potential relationship between ESP and CLIL education. Furthermore, it delves into the perceptions of ESP instructors employed at faculties outside of the philological field, with regard to their interdisciplinary competencies and the integration of professional content into an ESP course (CLIL-enhanced ESP). The research involved the administration of a questionnaire utilizing various types of questions (demographic questions, rating scale questions, open-ended questions, Likert scale, and multiple response questions), enabling both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The findings of this study, among other insights, underscore the necessity of supporting teachers in the cultivation of their interdisciplinary competencies and in the development of syllabi, didactic resources, and materials. Furthermore, the results reveal a significant need for interdepartmental collaboration to enhance the effectiveness of interdisciplinary and cross-curricular educational practices.




How to Cite

Suknović, M. S. (2024). Perceptions of ESP Instructors in Higher Education Institutions on Meeting the Demands of Interdisciplinary and CLIL Education. Annals of the Faculty of Philology, 36(1), 177–197.